
CallSine is an easy to use B2B contact database with over 500M+ contacts!

CallSineis an easy to use B2B contact database with over 500M+ contacts, including emails, phone numbers and LinkedIn profiles. High-quality contact data that’s necessary for highly personalized and super targeted outreach is a few clicks away. CallSine for Sales Prospecting: Search any contact based on job title, company name or URL, location, industry and team size on LinkedIn. Click the CallSine extension and access all of that contact’s available data in just a click. CallSine for Recruiting: Search any contact based on job title, company name or URL, location, industry and team size on LinkedIn. Click the CallSine extension and access all of that contact’s available data in just a click. CallSine Data Enrichment: Fill in the gaps between the marketing team and the sales team’s contact data by enriching data in CRM or lead lists. Store data in CallSine or export to a .CSV and upload your .CSV into your CRM or any automation tool to gear up your prospecting. Keep your sales and recruiting team focussed on the right things, closing deals, and not spending time trying to hunt down contact data. Get access now!


Easy .CSV exports make keeping all your databases up-to-date a breeze




Deal terms & conditions

    1 Year of access to Callsine Plan

    You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase

    1 Year of Callsine Plan updates

  • Please note: This deal is not stackable
  • 60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!

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