
Is your business data in the DarkWeb? Protect your company and clients from cyberattacks.


81% of hacking-related breaches leverage stolen or weak passwords. This data is far too often used by criminals to access critical business applications, deploy ransomware, perform social engineering, and other attacks.

What is the solution?

Monitor the Dark Web and protect your company and clients by proactively identifying compromised or stolen data before malicious actors can use it. InsecureWeb is a digital attack surface platform that keeps an eye on the bad guys operating in shady places like black market sites, P2P networks, hidden chat rooms, botnets and private websites.

InsecureWebwatches for relevant information, vulnerabilities and indicators of ongoing or future attacks to keep you one step ahead. More than 14 Billion records have been collected historically and millions are added every day.

With 3000 credits per code, you’ll get to monitor ALL email addresses in 20 different domains, user names, phone numbers, or personal emails for an entire year. The 3000 credits are renewed automatically every year for a lifetime.


Bring your videos to life to produce a superior user experience with automatically generated smart video content


Make your videos fully searchable, so anyone can find and jump to the right video and precise moment faster.


Easily build a one-stop hub of all your videos for every team and every use


Securely share your video assets so that the right people can access them on-demand


Instantly clip, create and share key moments from a long video for fast impact and


Deal terms & conditions

  • Lifetime access to Knowledge Assistant
  • You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
  • All future Knowledge Assistant updates
  • Please note: This deal is not stackable

60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!

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