
Release note communication pipeline so you can reach your stakeholders on all platforms in real time

Loggifyis your smart release notes communication pipeline. Simply connect it to the different communication outlets and automate your communication workflows. Every new entry to your release notes triggers the pipeline automatically. Every target group can be catered for individually as well. – Slackbot to inform your team about the updates – Website widget for embedding into your marketing website – Linkable responsive changelog page – Trigger modules for Zapier to connect to 5000+ business apps Trigger automated pipelines on every feature released. What does this mean? It means no more lack or down-time between product progress and customer communication. Inform all stakeholders from a central point-of-truth. Your team, customers, and leads will love you for this. Curious about the interconnected changelog communication pipeline? Start using Loggify now!


Inform all stakeholders from a central point-of-truth — your team, customers, and leads will love you for this

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