
Effortlessly send personalized emails & text messages by using Google Sheets or Airtable

Have a list of people who you want to quickly contact but also make it personalized? PostSheeteffortlessly helps you send personalized emails & text messages with either Google Sheets or Airtable. It’s just as easy as sending a regular email – but now to the masses. Simply import your contacts, customize your message using the data from your spreadsheet, and finally sit back & relax as PostSheet sends a personalized message to your recipients. Sounding like a 🤖 is not cool – work smarter with PostSheet. Get your lifetime access to PostSheet today!


Simply import your contacts and customize your message using the data from your spreadsheet




Collecting, updating, & modifying testimonies on a production website in a nice, responsive format is a pain. Ever messed up a production website? When was the last time you updated Testimony on your website?


With nocode solutions like Social Testimony, you can update, modify and display testimonies on any website (WordPress, Shopify, Wix, or any other) in under two minutes.


Build additional trust by importing Tweets, posts, comments, or reviews from multiple platforms (Google, Yelp, Trip Advisor, Amazon, Twitter, Reddit, Product Hunt, Playstore, Applestore or TrustPilot) as beautiful testimony, with links to the original for genuine validation.

Complete customization for the testimony and collection page, to ensure they blend seamlessly into your website.

Auto redirection configuration after testimony submission, in case you want to redirect a customer to a link, ensuring no opportunity is lost.

Auto adjustable layout for testimony display, which loads the initial number of testimony on your website depending on the device it’s opened on. Check out our how to video.



Deal terms & conditions

  • Lifetime access to Social Testimony Silver Plan
  • You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
  • All future Social Testimony Silver Plan updates
  • This deal is stackable

60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!

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