Socialiise - Automate Social Proof

Filter out the negative testimonials and Twitter mentions and display the positive ones on your website. You no longer have to take the time to go through dozens of tweets or read hundreds of emails from customers to find the right testimonials. Automatically collect, filter, and display testimonials and Twitter mentions by using AI-powered sentiment filtering to show the best social proof for your website. Socialiise is a suite of 2 products: 1. Socialiise for Social Media 2. Socialiise for Testimonials —————————- Socialiise for Social Media (Currently only compatible with Twitter) —————————- Never worry about reading that Twitter storm again. Nearly 52% of consumers say they post on social media at least once a month about products they’ve purchased. (Source: Stackla) Let your customers sell for you! – Automatically sync your Twitter mentions – Sentiment filtering using AI – Beautiful Twitter widgets (With Dark Mode) —————————- Socialiise for Testimonials —————————- The key to increased sales is just a testimonial away. Using testimonials leads to a 58% increase in conversions. (Source: Bazaarvoice) – Testimonial Carousel Widget – Testimonial Form with your branding – Sentiment filtering using AI





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